Spotlight on: Galway Khan Clubs
Thinking about starting a Khan Academy Club for the MATHletes Challenge?
Here is a ‘recipe’ from the Galway Education Centre for a Primary level Khan Academy Club, brought to us by Nuala Dalton, Galway EC Khan Academy Tutor.
We all know that the best meals are usually those that don’t follow the recipe exactly, making a few additions and substitutions depending what is in the house. So learn, tweak, and consider starting your own club for the next school year!
Recipe for Saturday Khan Academy Clubs (Primary level)
Serves: 150 primary students each week
Time:1.5 hours per club
2 Khan Academy Champions: Education Centre tutors, teaching assistants, or volunteers (good substituions include retired teachers, newly qualified teachers, parents, second or third level maths students, or excited community volunteers!)
1 space to hold the camps: Space should have reliable Wifi access (allow for 1Mbps per student for watching videos). It can have its own computer lab, or students can bring their own devices. Khan Academy has additional information on technology setup, device considerations, and using KA with limited resources.
20 students (+ or -): A large number of the children who attended the initial Galway camp in Oct 2013 continued to sign up for each subsequent camp right up to June 2014. Demand for places every week was far greater than could be offered.
A dash of hard work, a sprinkle of organisation, and heaps of passion for learning maths
And the not-so-secret ingredient: Khan Academy!
Find your Champions
Advertise opportunity to local schools, through email, flyers, or word of mouth. Make the invitation open, or ask teachers to nominate 2-3 students who they think would be interested in, or benefit from the club.
Create a Khan Academy coach account, and student learner accounts. Create a class and add students to the class. Parents should sign permission slips allowing accounts to be created for their students …Read More