Khan Academy Symposium
Khan Academy Symposium

Teachers & tutors at work on Khan Academy at our KA Symposium at eircom in September 2014

With the help of pioneering teachers and our friends at the ATECI Education Centres  and PDST, who have offered dozens of workshops for and by teachers, Khan Academy is becoming increasingly popular in Ireland.

The number of teachers using Khan Academy in Ireland increased 1200% from September 2013 to September 2014. During the 2014 MATHletes Challenge, number of overall and highly engaged users increased by 700% from the previous year.

KA teacher increase

These are staggering statistics, and should be celebrated.

KA User increase

However, as these numbers grew, I continued to talk to teachers. I heard their excitement about students’ engagement, improved test scores, and newfound confidence.  But just as important, I heard questions, feedback, critiques and suggestions for how to make Khan Academy more useful and useable in the Irish classroom.

The same 3 questions kept popping up:

  • Does Khan Academy align to the Irish curriculum?
  • How can I be sure that the exercises I am assigning are relevant to what students should be learning?
  • How can I find exercises in Khan Academy for the specific topics or units I am teaching this term?

Maths looks the same in Ireland as it does in the US, and across Europe.

However, there are differences in when and how students are expected to understand different maths skills and competencies.

The first step toward building confidence in Khan Academy in Ireland was a thorough analysis of where the platform aligns to the Irish Curriculum, and where there were gaps. (Similar Khan Academy mapping projects have been done in other countries).

The Goal

The goal was to create a resource for teachers, students and parents that shows how Khan Academy can directly support the teaching and learning of specific areas of mathematics stipulated by Ireland’s the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA).

The Team

Half a dozen primary and secondary teachers from across Ireland, led by researchers at Dublin City University’s School of Mathematical Sciences undertook the task. An additional group of teachers reviewed the mapping resource once complete.

The Product

The mapping directs users to banks of KA exercises that relate to specific items of the mathematics syllabus, and shows how Khan Academy may be used as a ‘virtual workbook’ for students in Irish primary and post-primary schools.

We are thrilled to announce that the first draft of the mapping exercise is now available our our website! The mapping covers 3rd class through Senior Cycle, and is organised by cirriculum strand and chapter/section. It is completely free to use, just like Khan Academy.

We are asking you, the people who care about mathematics education in Ireland (students, parents, teachers, principals, curriculum enthusiasts, policymakers) to contribute. If you have any feedback you can send it to

Please take a look, try it out in your classroom on Monday, and send on your thoughts!

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